Artiste : ITO EIJIRO*
"My camera fixes an image of the world around us, the action of the engraver and the fine scratches he makes on the plate call up my memories and imprint my emotions."
Eijiro Ito is an artist born in 1971 in Japan. He has lived and worked in France since 1995. He practices the photopolymer engraving technique... Eijiro Ito considers himself as a dreamer, as a flâneur, he likes the peaceful, the contemplative... He likes to walk around and capture the beauty of what surrounds him. He has a taste for the authentic, the simple, the reflective... Aware of the evolution of society, he enjoys capturing and immortalizing fragments of life, pure and unpretentious, often crowded out by the hubbub of capitalism and the alienation of thought, both of which are largely generated by the internet. Being himself a child of this instrumental society, Eijiro Ito has chosen the printing press as his means of expression. His works thus embody the duality between the beauty of reality and our alienation.
Recents exhibits :
2016 : Bétonsalon "Co-Workers : Écritures hors les murs” Collaboration
with Julie Ranage (Paris), Atelier de gravure ZEC "Regards" 2018 : OUTOSU HANTEN Tokyo Metropolitan Museum (Tokyo) 2019 : Atelier Bo Halbirk "Northern Lights" (Paris),
JGC gravure contemporaine "EMPRUNTS EMPRINTES"(Paris) 2020 : CLUSTER photography & print LONDON
Awards :
1999 : 6th Salon of young artists in Paris, Espace Château Londres (jury prize) 2006 : First Prize in engraving at the salon of S.N.B.A. Chateau Tourelle.
2017 : 3rd Prize of the 8th Biennale of the print of Saint-Maur
Reference: vivre_street_art
"Eijiro Ito's photography"
Reference: visage_femme_antique